365ASIA亚洲版 encourages students to speak with instructors and advisors with any questions or concerns 关于 dropping, 取消, 或取消. 365ASIA亚洲版 follows all North Dakota State Board of Higher Education policies and 北达科他州大学系统 procedures concerning student course drops, 提取和退款.
此程序允许学生终止某一特定课程的注册, 但为了维持本学期某些课程的注册. 所有退课必须在CampusConnection中完成.
此程序允许学生将本学期的学分降为零. 完全退出365ASIA亚洲版的学生必须完成
取消/撤回至零 校园连接表格. 在校园连接的主页上,点击eForms按钮. 在左手边的空白处, select "学习成绩" and click “取消/撤回至零” and then complete the withdrawal form.
上诉笔录记录 在退课之后, 取款到零积分, or past the last day to drop with record 由于情有可原的情况(医疗), 军事, 直系亲属死亡, 自然灾害, 等). 联系
wsc.records@linzstar.com 索取行政困难缴款表格.
学费 and fee refunds are calculated in compliance with policy set by the State Board of Higher Education. 同学们,谁愿意
上诉学杂费收费 由于情有可原的情况(医疗), 军事, 直系亲属死亡, 自然灾害, 等), may do so by following an appeal process and submitting the Student Finance Drop/Withdraw Appeal Form to the Student Finance Office.
Students who are reported for courses as non-attending based on the important dates rubric, will be charged 25% of the tuition and fees for that course and receive a W on their transcript.
学费 & 退款时间表
退还学杂费 |
退课 |
撤回 |
0.000% - 8.999% |
100% |
100% |
9.000% - 34.999% |
0% |
75% |
35.000% - 59.999% |
0% |
50% |
60.000% - 100.000% |
0% |
0% |
* 在计算退款资格时, 365ASIA亚洲版 takes the number of calendar days that have elapsed since the class has started and divides that by the number of calendar days in the class. As a result a class with fewer calendar days will have a shorter deadline to receive a refund.